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Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch Oldhammer Art

Artist: Des Hanley Source: Des Hanley
Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch Oldhammer Art
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The Lord of Change is one of the most formidable and awe-inspiring Greater Daemons in Warhammer 40,000, serving Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, Fate, and Sorcery. Towering over the battlefield with a towering, avian-like form, the Lord of Change embodies both the mutable nature of its master and the terrifying unpredictability of the Warp. Its appearance is a riot of colors, with shimmering feathers that constantly shift hues, reflecting the ever-changing schemes of Tzeentch. With a staff crackling with arcane energy in one hand and wickedly sharp talons in the other, these daemons wield immense magical power, capable of bending reality to their will and weaving complex spells that can reduce entire armies to dust or transform the very fabric of space.

The intellect of a Lord of Change is as terrifying as its sorcery. These beings are master manipulators, capable of concocting labyrinthine schemes that unfold over centuries or even millennia. Nothing is random or left to chance for these creatures; every action they take serves a hidden agenda in the grand tapestry of Tzeentch’s plans. On the battlefield, they combine their raw magical might with tactical brilliance, striking at enemies in ways that seem impossible to predict. To face a Lord of Change is not merely to face overwhelming magical power but to be ensnared in a web of deception and mind-bending illusions, where reality itself shifts and warps under the daemon’s control. They are the ultimate expression of Tzeentch’s will, embodying change, magic, and cunning in their purest forms.