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Chaos Space Marines Oldhammer Art

Artist: Des Hanley Source: Des Hanley
Chaos Space Marines Oldhammer Art
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Chaos Space Marines are the corrupted remnants of the once-loyal Adeptus Astartes who turned against the Imperium of Man during the Horus Heresy. These warriors, driven by ambition, hatred, and dark pacts with the Chaos Gods, now serve the Ruinous Powers in their quest to topple the Imperium. They retain their superhuman strength and combat prowess, but centuries of exposure to the Warp have twisted both their bodies and minds. Their armor is adorned with chaotic symbols, often fused to their flesh, and their weapons are infused with unnatural power. Each legion and warband has its own dark patron or chaotic alignment, from the brutal warriors of Khorne to the scheming sorcerers of Tzeentch. Their home is the Eye of Terror, a region of space consumed by the immaterial energies of the Warp, from where they launch raids and invasions against their former brothers and humanity at large.

Chaos Space Marines revel in the madness and disorder they bring. They fight not just for conquest but for the favor of the Chaos Gods, seeking immortality as Daemon Princes or to further their master’s will. Each legion is unique, with the Iron Warriors focusing on siegecraft and technological mastery, while the Death Guard spread plagues and diseases. The Thousand Sons are cursed sorcerers, their very essence bound to the whims of Tzeentch, and the Word Bearers are fanatical devotees of Chaos. Despite their differences, these traitors are united by their hatred for the Imperium, their former Emperor, and the loyalist Space Marines. The horrors they unleash serve as a grim reminder of the dangers of corruption, betrayal, and the influence of Chaos itself.