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Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, Oldhammer Art

Artist: Des Hanley Source: Des Hanley
Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, Oldhammer Art
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The Lord of Change is the most powerful and cunning of Tzeentch’s daemonic servants in Warhammer, embodying the very essence of change, manipulation, and arcane knowledge. Towering and majestic, these Greater Daemons are avian in appearance, with multicolored plumage and wings that shimmer with iridescent hues. Their forms constantly shift and warp, reflecting the unpredictable nature of their patron god. A Lord of Change is not only a fearsome warrior but also a master of sorcery, able to manipulate the Warp to cast devastating spells and bend reality to its will. Their intellect is unrivaled, and they are known to plot and scheme for millennia, their actions often incomprehensible to mortals, as they serve Tzeentch’s ever-shifting agenda.

In battle, the Lord of Change is a terrifying force, summoning infernos of psychic energy and turning the tides of combat with its mastery of magic. They delight in confounding their enemies, orchestrating elaborate plans that leave even the mightiest warriors bewildered and helpless. These daemons are known for their ability to foresee possible futures, allowing them to outmaneuver foes both on the battlefield and in grand cosmic machinations. The Lords of Change serve as Tzeentch’s emissaries, bringing his chaotic vision of transformation and upheaval to the galaxy. Those who encounter one face not only physical destruction but the dismantling of their reality as they are swept into the grand designs of the Architect of Fate.