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Abaddon’s Warfleet Oldhammer

Artist: Des Hanley Source: Des Hanley
Abaddon’s Warfleet Oldhammer
Art rating: 4 (with 5 votes) Please Rate this Art

This art depicts Abaddon’s warfleet during the gothic war.

Abaddon’s Warfleet, known as the Black Legion Fleet or the Despoiler’s Armada, is a fearsome and apocalyptic force within the Warhammer universe, commanded by Abaddon the Despoiler, the Warmaster of Chaos. This immense fleet serves as the spearhead for Abaddon’s Black Crusades, with the ultimate goal of toppling the Imperium of Man. Comprised of twisted, ancient vessels, many dating back to the Horus Heresy, these warships are corrupted by the power of Chaos. The Black Legion Fleet is a terrifying blend of firepower, warp-infused technology, and daemonic entities. Each vessel within the warfleet is as much a weapon of destruction as a symbol of Chaos’ wrath, radiating an aura of dread and corruption. These ships are crewed by traitor Astartes, daemons, and enslaved humans, all bound to Abaddon’s will as they strike terror into the heart of the Imperium.

The warfleet is infamous for its versatility and devastating tactics. From the hulking battleships, bristling with macro cannons and lance batteries, to sleek escorts and fast attack craft, the Black Legion Fleet is capable of executing devastating raids, planetary assaults, and full-scale invasions. The flagship, The Vengeful Spirit, is a relic of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, a ship of immense size and terrible history, said to be haunted by the souls of its victims. With the power of the Warp coursing through its ships, Abaddon’s fleet can traverse reality in unpredictable ways, launching attacks from seemingly impossible angles. Their assaults are brutal and merciless, often accompanied by daemonic forces that spill out onto planets once the void battle is won. Abaddon’s Warfleet is a harbinger of doom, leading the charge in Abaddon’s relentless quest to bring about the end of the Imperium and usher in the reign of Chaos.