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Nurgle Realm of Chaos Oldhammer Art

Artist: Gary Harrod
Nurgle Realm of Chaos Oldhammer Art
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The Realm of Chaos, particularly the domain of Nurgle, is a grotesque, decaying paradise of rot and disease, nestled deep within the Warp. It’s a nightmarish place where the physical laws of reality bend to Nurgle’s perverse will, filled with an eternal miasma of disease, decay, and relentless pestilence. Bubbling swamps, overflowing with filth and putrescence, stretch as far as the eye can see, while diseased forests, with their gnarled, rotting trees, loom under a sky perpetually choked with toxic clouds. Every element of the landscape is alive with decay—corpses rise from the muck, bloated with plague, and the air is thick with the buzz of flies and the stench of rot.

At the heart of this decayed domain sits Nurgle’s rotting mansion, a vast and crumbling palace made from the stuff of disease itself. Within, Nurgle stirs his cauldrons of pestilence, creating new plagues to unleash upon the mortal realms. His realm is paradoxically full of life in its own twisted way; every creature and plant festers and thrives, bloated with unnatural vitality born from death and corruption. Those who dwell here—Nurgle’s daemons, such as the jovial yet grotesque Plaguebearers, and the mischievous, gurgling Nurglings—revel in the endless cycle of decay and renewal, viewing it as a gift from their father, Grandfather Nurgle. Despite the overwhelming despair and degradation, there is an odd sense of joy in this fetid kingdom, as Nurgle’s followers take pride in the virulent blessings bestowed upon them by their god, seeing the inevitability of decay not as something to fear but as something to embrace.