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The Stryxis

Artist: A. L. Ashbaugh Source: A. L. Ashbaugh
The Stryxis
Art rating: 5 (with 12 votes) Please Rate this Art
Category: Aliens, Drawings, Stryxis

The Stryxis are one of the more enigmatic and unsettling xenos species that lurk in the dark corners of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. These nomadic traders and scavengers are known for their twisted sense of commerce and their peculiar appearance, making them a rare but intriguing presence in the grim darkness of the far future.

Physically, the Stryxis are a bizarre sight. They have hunched, wiry frames draped in ragged cloaks, and their faces are often hidden behind grotesque masks or cowls. Beneath these coverings, their true forms are even more unnerving—rumored to be withered and diseased, with pale, sagging skin and malformed features. Their eyes gleam with an unsettling intelligence, always appraising, always calculating the worth of everything and everyone around them.

The Stryxis are primarily known as merchants, though the word hardly captures the depth of their mercantile practices. They travel the galaxy in their ramshackle vessels, which are patchworks of different technologies and ships cobbled together in a chaotic yet functional manner. They will trade anything—from ancient artifacts and rare xenos technology to slaves and more esoteric commodities, like secrets and souls. The Stryxis have an insatiable greed, and their deals are always lopsided in their favor, exploiting the desperation or ignorance of those they encounter.

Despite their seemingly innocuous role as traders, the Stryxis are not to be underestimated. They possess a deep cunning and an alien mindset that is difficult for others to understand. They have been known to manipulate entire planetary economies to their benefit, and their knowledge of obscure technologies and warp routes makes them dangerous allies or enemies. They are also known to have a deep disdain for humans, considering them little more than another commodity to be bartered with.

In dealings with the Stryxis, there is always a price to be paid, and it is rarely the one initially agreed upon. Their motivations are obscure, and they are driven by a hunger for wealth and power that seems to know no bounds. Many who have struck bargains with the Stryxis have later found themselves in dire straits, victims of the xenos’ ruthless greed.

In the lore of Warhammer 40,000, the Stryxis embody the darker side of the galaxy’s trade and commerce, where nothing is sacred, and everything has a price. They are a reminder that in the far future, even trade can be a weapon, and not all who offer a deal have your best interests at heart.