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Pestilann Cruiser

Artist: A. L. Ashbaugh Source: A. L. Ashbaugh
Pestilann Cruiser
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The Pestilaan-class Strike Cruiser is a vessel shrouded in the decay and rot of the Plague God’s malevolent influence. Serving as a harbinger of death and disease, these cruisers are favored by the Death Guard, the Legion of Mortarion, who have fully embraced the gifts of Nurgle.

These strike cruisers are designed to be fast and lethal, capable of launching rapid assaults while spreading corruption across the void. The hulls of these vessels are often riddled with rust and filth, with infestations of disease-ridden growths pulsating along their armored plates. The very air within these ships is thick with the choking miasma of Nurgle’s rot, and the crew, twisted and bloated with the blessings of the Plague God, labor tirelessly to spread their master’s pestilence.

Armed with potent weaponry, including torpedoes filled with virulent plagues and batteries that can unleash devastating volleys, the Pestilaan-class Strike Cruiser is a nightmare for any who encounter it. Its interior is a labyrinthine warren of rusting corridors, leaking pipes, and festering growths, making it as hazardous to board as it is to battle from the outside.

These cruisers are often seen accompanying larger Death Guard fleets or operating independently to strike at the heart of Imperial worlds, sowing disease and despair before the full force of the Death Guard descends. The mere sight of a Pestilaan-class Strike Cruiser is enough to send chills through the hearts of those who recognize it, for it heralds the coming of a plague that few can survive.

In battle, these cruisers are relentless, their resilience and the unholy endurance of their crew making them difficult to destroy. Even when severely damaged, the corrupted energies of Nurgle seem to knit them back together, allowing them to continue their blighted mission long after they should have been rendered to drifting hulks. They are a testament to the horrifying power of Nurgle and the unending war waged by the Death Guard against all life in the galaxy.