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Orks Warband Oldhammer Art

Artist: Paul Bonner Source: Paul Bonner
Orks Warband Oldhammer Art
Art rating: 4.4 (with 9 votes) Please Rate this Art

This image from Oldhammer, drawn by artist Paul Bonner, is a striking depiction of a heavily armored Ork warband, decked out in ornate banners and standing ready for battle. The figures in the foreground are Orks clad in what appears to be a mix of Power Armor and cobbled-together mechanical gear, giving them an imposing and brutish appearance. Each Ork is unique, with various forms of armor, weaponry, and expressions, showcasing the rough-and-ready nature of their technology and culture.

Behind the Orks, towering banners are displayed proudly. These banners are intricately detailed, featuring classic Ork symbols like skulls, moons, and sun motifs, evoking a sense of tribal pride and martial tradition. The banners are decorated with symbols of past victories and acts of savagery, likely representing the warband’s history and achievements. Each banner is different, indicating the various clans or groups represented within the warband.

The artistic style is detailed, with heavy line work and an exaggerated focus on the Orks’ brutish features — large jaws, blocky limbs, and the sheer bulk of their armor and weapons. This art embodies the Oldhammer aesthetic of the 1980s and 1990s, where Orks were portrayed as brutal but with a whimsical, almost comedic element. The entire composition captures both the warlike nature of the Orks and the chaotic energy that drives them into battle, all while keeping a sense of fun and absurdity that is so characteristic of Ork culture in the Warhammer universe.