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Gretchin Orks Oldhammer Art

Artist: Paul Bonner Source: Paul Bonner
Gretchin Orks Oldhammer Art
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This amazing art from Warhammer showcases a group of Gretchin, also known as Grots, under the command of a more distinguished-looking leader, likely a Gretchin Officer or overseer. The central figure is dressed in a parody of a military officer’s uniform, complete with a peaked cap, a long coat adorned with medals, and a holstered pistol on his hip. This gives him the appearance of an Orkish version of a high-ranking commander, despite the small size and generally cowardly nature of Gretchin.

The Gretchin leader holds a confident and smug demeanor, with his oversized uniform adding a comical element to his stature. Behind him, another Grot holds a tattered flag, bearing a crude Orkish symbol of a skull and crossed bones. The banner is worn and ragged, likely reflecting the makeshift and recycled nature of Ork culture.

Flanking the leader are two other Gretchin, one of whom is carrying a large, clumsy-looking weapon, typical of Ork and Gretchin craftsmanship. The weapon itself seems to be an overbuilt, cobbled-together creation, much too large for the small Gretchin wielding it. These smaller figures, with their mischievous grins and shifty eyes, reflect the Grots’ general nature — sly, cunning, and always looking to avoid the hardest tasks in battle.

This image is a perfect example of the humorous yet brutal dynamic within Ork society, where the Gretchin serve under their larger Ork masters but occasionally rise to positions of mock authority among their own kind. The level of detail in the uniforms and expressions gives the scene a tongue-in-cheek feel, emphasizing the absurdity of Gretchin mimicking the hierarchy and structure of human or Ork military forces while retaining their characteristic clumsiness and cowardice.