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Order of the Hammer

Artist: Ilich Henriquez Source: Ilich Henriquez
Order of the Hammer
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The Order of the Hammer is one of the lesser-known but intriguing factions within the Warhammer universe. While it doesn’t enjoy the same level of fame as other orders like the Knights of the White Wolf or the Templars of Sigmar, the Order of the Hammer plays a significant role in the defense of the Empire and the fight against the forces of Chaos.

The Order of the Hammer is a militant religious order dedicated to Sigmar, the patron god and founder of the Empire. As the name suggests, they revere the hammer, Ghal Maraz, the weapon wielded by Sigmar during his mortal life. This hammer symbolizes not just strength in battle but also the unyielding resolve to protect the Empire from its enemies.

Members of the Order of the Hammer are typically drawn from the most zealous and devout followers of Sigmar. They undergo rigorous training, both physical and spiritual, to prepare for their holy mission. This training is designed to instill in them an unshakeable faith in Sigmar and a relentless determination to eradicate the taint of Chaos and heresy wherever it is found.

In battle, the warriors of the Order of the Hammer are known for their disciplined ranks and powerful strikes. They favor hammers and maces as their weapons of choice, a homage to their deity. These weapons are often blessed by priests of Sigmar, making them particularly effective against daemons and undead creatures.

The Order of the Hammer is also known for its inquisitorial zeal. They are often called upon to root out heresy within the Empire, a task they approach with the same fervor as they do on the battlefield. Their presence is both feared and respected, as they have little tolerance for those who stray from the path of Sigmar.

Despite their unwavering devotion, the Order of the Hammer is not without its challenges. The forces of Chaos are relentless, and even within the Empire, they face opposition from those who see their methods as too extreme. Additionally, the nature of their work means they are constantly exposed to the corrupting influence of Chaos, a danger that they must be vigilant against.