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Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken

Artist: Ilich Henriquez Source: Ilich Henriquez
Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken
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Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken is a legendary figure in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known for his incredible toughness, unyielding will, and brutal combat prowess. He is a member of the Catachan Jungle Fighters, one of the most fearsome and resilient regiments in the Astra Militarum, renowned for their ability to survive and fight in the most hostile environments the galaxy has to offer.

Straken’s moniker, “Iron Hand,” isn’t just a nickname; it’s a literal description. During a brutal campaign on the deadly death world of Catachan, Straken was attacked by a massive Miral land shark, a creature as dangerous as the planet itself. The beast ripped off his arm, but Straken, with his characteristic defiance, managed to kill the creature with his bare hands. He was later fitted with a powerful bionic arm, hence the name “Iron Hand.” This bionic limb is as much a symbol of his indomitable spirit as it is a practical tool of war, allowing him to wield heavy weapons with ease and deliver devastating blows in close combat.

Straken’s leadership style is as hard as his bionic arm. He leads from the front, never asking his men to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. This hands-on approach has earned him the loyalty and respect of his troops, who admire his courage and strength. However, it’s also earned him a reputation for being almost as unforgiving and harsh as the jungle itself. He is known for his no-nonsense attitude and his disdain for bureaucracy and inefficiency, preferring action and results over words and plans.

In battle, Colonel Straken is a fearsome opponent. His experience fighting in the dense, dangerous jungles of Catachan has made him an expert in guerrilla warfare, ambush tactics, and survival under the most extreme conditions. He is a skilled combatant, both at range and in melee, where his bionic arm proves to be a deadly weapon. His mere presence on the battlefield inspires his men to fight harder, knowing that their leader is right there with them, facing the same dangers.

Straken’s lore is steeped in the gritty realism of the Astra Militarum, where heroism is earned through blood, sweat, and sheer determination. He embodies the qualities that make the Catachan Jungle Fighters such a feared and respected regiment: toughness, resilience, and a relentless drive to overcome any obstacle. In the grim darkness of the far future, where the enemies of mankind are many and merciless, Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken stands as a testament to the human spirit’s ability to endure and triumph against all odds.