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Old One Eye, Carnifex, Tyranid

Artist: Alberto Bontempi Source: Alberto Bontempi
Old One Eye, Carnifex, Tyranid
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Old One Eye is a legendary Carnifex of the Tyranid race in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known for its fearsome combat prowess and near-immortal resilience. This massive bio-engineered beast first appeared during the initial Tyranid invasions, leading swarms of lesser creatures in devastating assaults on Imperial worlds. Its name comes from a distinctive wound that destroyed one of its eyes, leaving a permanent scar that adds to its menacing appearance.

This ancient Carnifex is larger and more powerful than its kin, with chitinous armor thick and scarred from countless battles. Old One Eye’s claws and scything talons are capable of tearing through the toughest armor, making it a near-unstoppable force on the battlefield. Its most terrifying trait, however, is its ability to regenerate from grievous wounds, leading to its repeated reappearances even after seemingly being killed.

The legend of Old One Eye began after a fierce battle on Calth, where it was thought to have been defeated by an Ultramarines strike force, only to be sighted again later. This ability to seemingly cheat death has made Old One Eye a figure of dread among Imperial forces, with some believing it to be a singular bio-form and others suspecting it represents a durable strain of Carnifex continually spawned by the Hive Fleet.

On the battlefield, Old One Eye is a living battering ram, smashing through enemy lines and fortifications with ease. Its presence can turn the tide of battle, not just through its physical power, but also by demoralizing enemy troops who fear the beast’s mythic reputation and its relentless advance.

In Warhammer lore, Old One Eye is a symbol of the Tyranids’ unyielding and adaptive nature, a terrifying reminder of the dangers posed by these alien invaders. Its continued existence serves as a dark omen for Imperial forces, representing the relentless and ever-evolving threat of the Tyranid race that cannot be permanently slain, only temporarily subdued.