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Lady Saturn

Artist: Alberto Bontempi Source: Alberto Bontempi
Lady Saturn
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In the illustration for the Deathwatch: The Emperor’s Chosen game, Lady Saturn is depicted as a towering and imposing figure, a dark embodiment of Chaos and the unyielding wrath of Khorne. Lady Saturn, also known as Ka’bandha, is a fearsome daemon of Khorne in the Warhammer universe, embodying the relentless pursuit of bloodshed and destruction. A powerful entity created by the Blood God, she is driven by an insatiable thirst for battle, leaving a trail of carnage wherever she goes. Her origins are mysterious, but her actions have made her a terrifying force in the galaxy.

Her appearance is a blend of otherworldly beauty and monstrous power, often depicted as a towering figure with regal, yet demonic features. Clad in Warp-forged armor and wielding a massive, crackling blade, Lady Saturn is a whirlwind of destruction in battle, capable of cutting down even the most formidable foes with ease.

Lady Saturn is often summoned by Chaos cults and warbands, but her uncontrollable nature frequently turns her against her own allies if they fail to satisfy her bloodlust. Her presence is a harbinger of doom, as she has clashed with some of the Imperium’s greatest heroes, proving to be a nearly unstoppable force of Chaos.

In Warhammer lore, Lady Saturn serves as a symbol of the destructive potential of Chaos and the perils of dealing with daemonic entities. She represents the raw, untamed power of Khorne, a relentless force of destruction that embodies the endless war raging across the galaxy, leaving only death and ruin in her wake.