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Ork Big Mek

Artist: Alex Boyd Source: Alex Boyd
Ork Big Mek
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Category: Ork Big Mek, Orks

The Ork Big Mek is one of the most iconic and fascinating figures within the Ork hierarchy in Warhammer 40,000. These are the Orks who possess an innate understanding—or rather, an instinctive genius—for technology, engineering, and all things mechanical. Big Meks are the masterminds behind much of the Orks’ most devastating weaponry and machinery, from the fearsome Stompas to the dreaded Shokk Attack Gun.

Big Meks occupy a crucial role in Ork society, combining the brute strength and cunning typical of all Orks with a remarkable, if unorthodox, engineering skill. Unlike human engineers who rely on education and theory, Big Meks seem to just “know” how to build and fix things, a talent that is as much a product of the Orks’ collective psychic field as it is of individual skill. This instinct allows them to cobble together seemingly impossible contraptions that should, by all rights, not work—but somehow do, thanks to the Orks’ collective belief in their technology.

In battle, a Big Mek is often surrounded by a retinue of Grot assistants and an arsenal of makeshift but deadly weapons. They might wield a Kustom Force Field generator to protect their boyz from incoming fire or unleash the unpredictable power of the Shokk Attack Gun, a weapon that literally fires Snotlings through the Warp at the enemy. Their inventions are as dangerous to their enemies as they are to their own side, but for the Orks, this just adds to the fun.

Beyond the battlefield, Big Meks are the architects of Ork society’s larger projects, such as the construction of Gargants—massive, walking war machines that serve as both idols of the Ork gods, Gork and Mork, and as terrifying engines of destruction. They also build and maintain the many Trukks, Buggies, and Deff Dreads that make up the Ork war machine.

Despite their technological prowess, Big Meks are still Orks, and their creations are often as chaotic and unpredictable as their creators. They are driven by the desire to create bigger, louder, and more destructive machines, often leading to internal rivalries with other Big Meks or Warbosses who may not appreciate their latest invention. These rivalries can escalate into full-scale Mek Wars, where rival Big Meks and their followers go head-to-head, showcasing their deadliest and most outlandish creations.

In summary, the Big Mek is a vital figure in the Ork war effort, embodying the unique blend of raw brutality and madcap inventiveness that defines the Orks in Warhammer 40,000. Their creations are a testament to the Orks’ belief that “If it’s loud and it goes ‘boom,’ it’s good enough,” making them both feared and revered within the ranks of the Orks.