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Black Legion Chaos Space Marines Oldhammer Art

Artist: Alex Boyd Source: Alex Boyd
Black Legion Chaos Space Marines Oldhammer Art
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The Black Legion is one of the most infamous and feared factions within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known for their relentless pursuit of power and their unwavering loyalty to their dark master, Abaddon the Despoiler. Originally the Luna Wolves, the legion was once led by Horus Lupercal, the favored son of the Emperor, who eventually succumbed to the corruption of Chaos and led the devastating Horus Heresy. After Horus’ death and the subsequent fall of the Traitor Legions, the remnants of the Luna Wolves—now rechristened the Sons of Horus—were shattered and hunted across the galaxy. It was Abaddon, Horus’ most trusted lieutenant, who rose to unify these scattered forces, renaming them the Black Legion and casting aside the shadow of his former master, embracing a new destiny under the banner of the Warmaster.

Under Abaddon’s leadership, the Black Legion has become the spearhead of Chaos’ wars against the Imperium, launching thirteen notorious Black Crusades that have left entire worlds in ruins and brought the Imperium to the brink of collapse. The Black Legion’s warriors are a terrifying mix of veterans from the Horus Heresy and newer recruits who have been seduced by the promises of Chaos. Unlike many other Chaos Space Marine warbands that align themselves with specific Chaos Gods, the Black Legion is unique in its dedication to Chaos Undivided, worshipping all the Chaos Gods equally. This unifying ideology has allowed the Black Legion to draw strength from all corners of the Warp, making them one of the most powerful and versatile forces in the galaxy.

The Black Legion’s black armor, adorned with gold and the Eye of Horus symbol, strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies. Their warbands are often accompanied by daemonic allies, traitor Imperial Guard, and a host of other malevolent entities that have pledged their souls to the cause. Abaddon himself is a figure of mythic proportions, wielding the ancient and cursed weapons Drach’nyen and the Talon of Horus, leading his legion with an iron fist and an insatiable hunger for vengeance against the Imperium. The Black Legion’s ultimate goal is nothing less than the complete annihilation of the Emperor’s realm, and they will stop at nothing to achieve it, embodying the eternal struggle between order and chaos that defines the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000.