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Necrons Versus Daemons

Artist: Fares Maese Source: Fares Maese
Necrons Versus Daemons
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This amazing art was drawn by Fares Maese that was done for done for Games Workshop. It depicts a dramatic and chaotic battle between the Necrons and Daemons, two powerful and ancient factions in the Warhammer universe. The scene is bathed in eerie, green light, characteristic of the Necron’s technology and energy weapons. In the foreground, a massive Necron war machine—possibly a Canoptek construct or a Lord—wields a gigantic weapon, unleashing green energy upon the horde of Daemons.

The Necrons, skeletal and metallic, are seen advancing relentlessly, their green gauss weapons glowing ominously as they carve through the twisted, fiery forms of the Daemons. The Daemons, in contrast, are chaotic and organic, with grotesque and fiery shapes that suggest their unholy origins. Their bodies burn with hellish fire, clashing violently with the cold, mechanical precision of the Necron forces.

In the background, towering monolithic structures—likely Necron pylons or obelisks—dominate the landscape, further emphasizing the alien and ancient nature of the Necrons. Green energy beams shoot into the sky, possibly a sign of the Necrons’ mysterious and advanced technology at work.

The entire scene is a stark contrast between order and chaos, with the regimented, unyielding Necron army standing against the wild, chaotic onslaught of the Daemons. The image conveys a sense of epic scale and intense conflict, capturing the essence of Warhammer’s grimdark universe.