This is the first cover the artist, Fares Maese did for the novel of Black Library.
I. The Lurking Shadows of Deliverance
The Raven Guard Space Marines trace their lineage to the Primarch Corvus Corax, whose dark and tragic past shaped the Chapter’s ethos. Originating from the prison world of Deliverance (once Lycaeus), these warriors have always known a life of hardship, honing their resolve and forging a bond with the shadows themselves.
Their armor, predominantly black with white or silver accents, symbolizes their grim determination and capacity for stealth.
II. Masters of Covert Warfare
Renowned for their reliance on secrecy and infiltration, the Raven Guard excel at striking deep behind enemy lines. Their tactics focus on avoiding open confrontation in favor of highly orchestrated ambushes, targeted assassinations, and guerrilla warfare.
Bolstered by superior reconnaissance and advanced technology, Raven Guard battle-brothers can melt into the gloom as swiftly as they appear, sowing chaos and confusion among the enemy ranks before vanishing back into darkness.
III. A Solemn Vigil Over Humanity
Despite their somber demeanor and pragmatic approach, the Raven Guard steadfastly guard the Imperium with fierce loyalty. Each battle is fought with careful precision to minimize unnecessary losses, displaying the Chapter’s commitment to preserving human life even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Although their methods may seem grim to outsiders, the Raven Guard serve as a constant reminder that the Emperor’s