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Ku’Gath Plaguefather Great Unclean One

Artist: Piya Wannachaiwong Source: Piya Wannachaiwong
Ku’Gath Plaguefather Great Unclean One
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Ku’Gath Plaguefather, a Great Unclean One of Nurgle, is a being of bloated, pestilent majesty—a grotesque embodiment of decay and filth. His corpulent form drips with disease, his sagging skin teeming with vermin and maggots, each one a gift from his master, the Lord of Pestilence. He is a creature of dark joy, reveling in the suffering and entropy that follow in his wake, yet his mind is as sharp as the foulest plague he brews.

Once a mere Nurgling, Ku’Gath was touched by Nurgle’s divine favor when he sipped from the cauldron of the Plague God himself. In that moment, he gained not only his grotesque size but also a unique obsession: the perfect plague. He is forever seeking to create the ultimate disease, one that can infect and ruin entire civilizations in a breath, a plague so virulent that not even the warp could escape its reach.

Ku’Gath is often found sitting upon a throne of rotting flesh, carried by a shambling host of Nurglings that squabble and cheer at his feet. His cauldron, a massive vessel of rust and filth, bubbles with rancid concoctions. From it, he scoops out pestilent brews, casting them across battlefields, turning the air thick with corruption. His presence alone causes the very ground to fester and rot, transforming the world into a plague-ridden nightmare.

Yet, despite his joyful demeanor, there is a sinister intelligence behind Ku’Gath’s joviality. He is no mindless bringer of ruin; his infections are deliberate, precise, and terrifying in their ingenuity. Entire planetary systems have succumbed to the diseases he unleashes, their populations reduced to writhing masses of flesh and bone, as the Plaguefather watches with grim satisfaction.

And all the while, Ku’Gath’s search for perfection continues. Each plague is but a step toward his goal, an endless, ever-mutating experiment in suffering. In his foul eyes, there is no greater honor than to be chosen as the host for one of his diseases—a gift from the Father of Decay himself, spread by the Plaguefather’s own bloated hand.