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Artist: L J Koh Source: L J Koh
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Inquisitors in Warhammer 40,000 are powerful agents of the Imperium tasked with protecting humanity from heresy, xenos, and daemonic threats. Operating with near-limitless authority, they belong to specialized branches like the Ordo Hereticus (focused on internal threats and witch hunting), Ordo Xenos (alien hunters), and Ordo Malleus (dedicated to combating daemons). They command entire armies and have the power to declare an Exterminatus, annihilating entire planets deemed irredeemable. Inquisitors also lead retinues of specialists, including psykers, warriors, and tech-priests, each aiding them in their grim work.

Though united in purpose, Inquisitors often differ in methods. Puritans follow strict dogma, while Radicals may use forbidden means, including xenos technology or daemonic weapons. This ideological divide can lead to internal conflicts known as Inquisitorial Wars. Despite their secrecy and immense responsibility, Inquisitors embody the relentless pursuit of humanity’s survival, facing unimaginable horrors to keep the Imperium safe.