Even the Dark Eldar see that as cruel and disgusting heresy. A Warhammer Meme

When Evil Judges Evil: Dark Eldar vs. Shou Tucker Meme
Even the Dark Eldar sees this a sick as f**k!
When Evil Judges Evil
This meme delivers comedy gold by making one of the most twisted factions in Warhammer 40K recoil in disgust at an anime villain. The Dark Eldar, infamous for their love of agony, turn their captives into living furniture, keeping them in a perpetual state of pain for amusement. Enter Shou Tucker, the man who turned his own daughter into a chimera just to keep his job. The meme sets up a perfect irony—if a race that surgically grafts people into chandeliers thinks you’ve gone too far, you’re in a whole different league of villainy. The sheer moral whiplash of the Dark Eldar calling someone else sick is what makes this so funny. When literal space sadists look at you like you’re a monster, you know you’ve reached peak evil.
Dark Eldar vs. Shou Tucker: Who’s Worse?
The Dark Eldar are legendary for their cruelty, but at least they own it. They thrive on torture, see suffering as an art form, and live purely to inflict pain, but they never pretend it’s anything noble. Tucker, on the other hand, tries to justify his horror, claiming his daughter’s suffering was just “necessary research.” That’s what makes him worse—he doesn’t even enjoy what he did, he just sees it as a casual stepping stone in his career. While the Drukhari inflict pain for eternity, Tucker crushed the soul of every anime fan in under five minutes. In a twisted way, this meme suggests that even creatures of absolute depravity have standards, and Shou Tucker fails to meet them.
The Final Verdict: A Multiversal Atrocity
At its core, this meme works because it unites fandoms in hatred. Warhammer 40K is filled with nightmarish horrors beyond imagination, yet even in that universe, Tucker is seen as an absolute abomination. His crime transcends franchises—he isn’t just one of anime’s worst villains, he’s a multiversal war crime. The fact that a Dark Eldar, a creature who skins people for fun, is repulsed by him speaks volumes. Even in the grim darkness of the far future, where there is only war, there is still room for saying ‘this guy is just the worst.’