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Blood Angels Terminators

Artist: Peter Laycock Source: Peter Laycock
Blood Angels Terminators
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Blood Angels Terminator Assault. This is a commission piece Peter Laycock did for someone.

Blood Angels Terminators are an elite and fearsome force within the ranks of the Blood Angels Chapter, wearing the revered Tactical Dreadnought Armor, or Terminator armor. These veterans are entrusted with the most dangerous and critical missions, often deployed when the odds are stacked against them. Their armor, while massive and bulky, provides unparalleled protection, making them nearly unstoppable juggernauts on the battlefield. Armed with weapons like storm bolters, power fists, lightning claws, and thunder hammers, they are a formidable close-combat force capable of tearing through enemy lines with ease.

What sets the Blood Angels Terminators apart is not just their combat prowess, but their Chapter’s genetic legacy. The Blood Angels carry the gene-seed of their Primarch, Sanguinius, and with it comes both the noble grace of their lineage and the curse of the Red Thirst and Black Rage. This duality makes them unique among the Imperium’s forces, as they often wrestle with the overwhelming urge to succumb to a berserk fury. However, when deployed as Terminators, their discipline and mastery over this inner conflict shine through. Whether leading the charge into the heart of a battle or defending vital positions, Blood Angels Terminators combine precision, fury, and resilience in a way that strikes terror into the enemies of the Imperium. Their crimson armor, often adorned with gold and winged insignias, reflects their noble heritage and their unwavering devotion to their fallen Primarch.