Bad Moons Gretchin, also known as Grots, are the smaller, sneaky counterparts to the mighty Orks in the wealthy Bad Moons clan. Like all Gretchin, they are treated as the underclass of Ork society, expected to serve their larger, tougher kin in any way demanded of them. In the Bad Moons clan, however, they have a unique place, as their masters’ wealth often trickles down to the Gretchin in the form of slightly better equipment or flashy yet ramshackle upgrades. These Grots may be adorned with garish paint or slapped-together gold trinkets that mimic their Ork superiors, providing them a semblance of status compared to Gretchin in other clans. Despite these minor luxuries, they are still viewed as expendable tools in the clan’s relentless pursuit of “dakka” (firepower) and fortune.
On the battlefield, Bad Moons Gretchin are commonly deployed as cannon fodder, scouts, or support crews for the larger and more powerful Ork weaponry. They often find themselves scurrying around the feet of towering Bad Moons Boyz, serving as ammo carriers or shield-bearers, and occasionally even operating smaller gun emplacements. Thanks to the wealth of the Bad Moons, these Gretchin are more likely to be equipped with rudimentary armor or even weapons that would be deemed luxuries among other Grot populations. However, this doesn’t mean they’re much safer; the weapons they handle are frequently unreliable and prone to exploding, especially since Mekboys pay little attention to ensuring Gretchin equipment actually works well. For the Gretchin, survival often depends on staying just out of their Ork masters’ reach and dodging explosions—while still doing their assigned tasks under the threat of punishment.
Despite their lowly status, Bad Moons Gretchin have an uncanny knack for survival and cunning. They’re often scheming for ways to improve their situations, from hoarding teeth (Ork currency) when their masters aren’t looking, to pilfering gear and crafting little hideaways within the Bad Moons’ camps. Their loyalty to the clan is largely based on necessity and self-preservation, not genuine allegiance. Some of these Gretchin dream of one day rising above their lowly station, though they know the likelihood is slim. Even so, Bad Moons Gretchin represent an interesting layer within the Ork hierarchy, where even the smallest, most overlooked members are impacted by the clan’s extravagant wealth and obsession with flashy displays of power.