The Death Guard, a Chaos Space Marine Legion dedicated to the Plague God Nurgle, wield a fearsome array of armaments that reflect their affiliation with disease and decay. Originally the XIV Legion of the Imperium, the Death Guard became corrupted during the Horus Heresy and now serve Nurgle, spreading pestilence and despair across the galaxy. Their weaponry and equipment are heavily modified by their patron god, making them uniquely suited to their role as harbingers of rot and ruin.
Ranged Weapons
The Death Guard are known for their preference for durable, reliable weaponry, heavily modified to carry Nurgle’s taint. Their primary ranged weapon, the Bolter, is often corrupted to fire disease-ridden rounds that spread infection and decay. Plague Bolters and Plague Spitters are common, designed to expel virulent toxins and corrosive bile that can eat through armor and flesh alike. Blight Launchers are another staple, launching explosive projectiles filled with vile concoctions that spread filth and corruption over a wide area. The Melta and Plasma Guns are also used, but with modifications that cause their deadly energy blasts to carry Nurgle’s contagions.
Melee Weapons
In close combat, the Death Guard wield weapons that maximize their durability and the spread of infection. Plague Knives and Bubotic Axes are common, often encrusted with filth and rust, causing grievous wounds that fester and spread disease. The Manreaper, a massive scythe often wielded by Death Guard champions and leaders, embodies their brutal and relentless nature, cutting down enemies with ease while spreading Nurgle’s gifts. Power Fists and Chainfists are used by their Terminators, combining the crushing power of mechanized gauntlets with the added horror of disease-ridden strikes.
Specialized Equipment
The Death Guard also make extensive use of specialized equipment to enhance their battlefield capabilities. Blight Grenades and Phosphex Bombs are filled with corrosive and virulent substances that spread toxic clouds, choking and blinding enemies while corroding their armor. Foul Blightspawn carry Plague Sprayers, which emit streams of noxious, disease-ridden fluids that dissolve anything they touch. Myphitic Blight-Haulers and Plagueburst Crawlers are daemon engines that provide heavy fire support, launching shells and missiles that spread pestilence and corruption over a wide area.
Daemon Engines and Vehicles
The Death Guard’s vehicles and daemon engines are also corrupted by Nurgle’s influence. The Bloat-drone, a hovering daemon engine, is equipped with various weapon configurations, such as plague sprayers or flesh-mowers, that spread Nurgle’s corruption. Plagueburst Crawlers serve as mobile artillery, launching shells filled with corrosive toxins. Deathshroud Terminators and Blightlords are elite units clad in Terminator armor, heavily armed and nearly impervious to damage, bringing Nurgle’s gifts to the heart of battle.
In summary, the Death Guard’s armaments are a grotesque blend of reliable Space Marine technology and the corrupting influence of Nurgle. Their weapons and equipment are designed not only to kill but to spread disease and decay, turning the battlefield into a festering wasteland. This combination of resilience and corruption makes the Death Guard a terrifying force in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.