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The Cacodominus Super Powerful Cyborg Xenos Super Tall

The Cacodominus Super Powerful Cyborg Xenos Super Tall
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Published on: May 10, 2024

Cacodominus and Its Absolute Power

The Cacodominus was a character from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known as an alien psychic entity with immense power. The specific height of the Cacodominus isn’t detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 lore, as more emphasis is placed on its psychic abilities and the impact of its actions rather than its physical dimensions.

As for its power, the Cacodominus was extraordinarily powerful in the psychic realm. It was able to control billions of minds simultaneously, exerting its influence across many worlds. This psychic domination was so profound that when it was eventually slain, the backlash of its death scream disrupted the Astronomican—a psychic beacon essential for space navigation in the Imperium—and resulted in the loss of many ships and lives. This highlights the immense scale of its psychic capabilities and the vast influence it exerted before its demise.

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