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Space Wolves Space Marines Oldhammer Art

Artist: Jes Goodwin Source: Jes Goodwin
Space Wolves Space Marines Oldhammer Art
Art rating: 5 (with 9 votes) Please Rate this Art

Ah, this is a true gem of Oldhammer artistry, a classic Jes Goodwin piece that captures the raw, untamed spirit of the Space Wolves. This Space Marine, decked out in Mk VI “Corvus” armor, is the epitome of Fenrisian ferocity.

Look at those details—he’s draped in wolf pelts, each one a trophy of the countless hunts and battles fought under the frozen skies of Fenris. The pelt over his shoulders almost seems to be part of him, blending the man with the beast, a nod to the savage symbiosis that defines the Space Wolves. The chainsword in his hand is no mere weapon; it’s an extension of his will, etched with runes that likely sing the sagas of his victories. You can almost hear the metallic roar as it revs up, ready to tear through the enemies of the Allfather.

The banner he carries is pure Space Wolves—tattered and torn from battle, yet it still flies proudly, a symbol of unbreakable spirit. That wolf head insignia, flapping in the wind, is like a rallying cry to his packmates, a reminder of the brotherhood that binds them. And those Fenrisian Wolves at his feet? They’re more than just companions; they’re the embodiment of the predatory instinct that courses through the veins of every Space Wolf. Their snarls and alert postures speak of a readiness to leap into the fray, teeth bared and claws out.

Jes Goodwin’s lines are immaculate, capturing the perfect blend of brutal efficiency and primal fury that defines the Space Wolves. The whole scene is set against the backdrop of a crumbling fortress, smoke and debris hinting at the aftermath of a fierce assault. This isn’t just a picture; it’s a window into the world of the Space Wolves—a chapter that lives for the hunt, for the thrill of the battle, and for the honor of serving the Emperor and Leman Russ. As a fan, this image is a powerful reminder of why the Space Wolves are one of the most revered and feared chapters in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.