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Space Wolves Scout Oldhammer Art

Artist: Mark Gibbons Source: Mark Gibbons
Space Wolves Scout Oldhammer Art
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Space Wolves Scouts are a unique and fiercely independent element within the Space Wolves Chapter. Unlike other Chapters, where Scouts are often neophytes or recruits still proving themselves, the Space Wolves Scouts are seasoned veterans, typically older warriors who have chosen to return to the role of the Scout after long service as Grey Hunters or even as Wolf Guard. This reversal of roles reflects the Space Wolves’ reverence for experience and the cunning of age over the impetuousness of youth.

These Scouts are experts in stealth, reconnaissance, and guerilla warfare, often operating deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence, sabotage supply lines, or execute targeted assassinations. Their familiarity with the harsh environments of Fenris, their homeworld, has honed their survival skills to a razor’s edge, making them exceptionally tough and resourceful.

Space Wolves Scouts often go into battle with an array of weapons, from sniper rifles to close-combat weapons like combat knives or the viciously effective Fenrisian axes. They also carry the traditional bolt pistol, though they prefer to strike from the shadows rather than engage in prolonged firefights. Their armor, lighter than the standard Space Marine power armor, allows for greater mobility and silence but still offers substantial protection.

Their demeanor is often grizzled and sardonic, reflecting their long years of service and countless battles. They are the eyes and ears of the Space Wolves, often the first to engage with the enemy and the last to leave the field, ensuring that their brothers are well-prepared for the coming storm.

In battle, the Space Wolves Scouts exemplify the Chapter’s values of independence, cunning, and ferocity, embodying the spirit of Fenris in their relentless pursuit of the enemy, whether in the frozen tundras of their homeworld or the darkest corners of the galaxy.