Slaanesh Chaos Marines, also known as Noise Marines, are a faction within the Chaos Space Marines, devoted to Slaanesh, the Chaos God of excess, pleasure, and pain. Originating from the Emperor’s Children during the Horus Heresy, these warriors are known for their flamboyant and garish armor, adorned with symbols of Slaanesh. Their heightened senses and unique sonic weaponry, such as Sonic Blasters and Blastmasters, allow them to devastate enemies both physically and psychologically, creating a sensory overload on the battlefield.
In combat, Noise Marines use their sonic weapons to disorient and destroy enemies, leveraging the overwhelming noise to induce panic and fear. Their tactics involve a combination of powerful ranged attacks and swift, deadly close combat, exploiting their enhanced reflexes and sensory perception. Figures like Lucius the Eternal exemplify their relentless pursuit of perfection and excess, continually resurrecting to further spread Slaanesh’s influence.
Noise Marines play a significant role in Warhammer 40,000 lore, participating in key battles during the Horus Heresy and continuing their hedonistic crusades post-Heresy. They are memorable for their striking miniatures, which capture their vibrant, excessive nature and dynamic poses, reflecting their unique aesthetic and chaotic combat style.