The Seraphim Squad is an elite unit within the Adepta Sororitas, the Sisters of Battle, in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Distinguished by their jump packs, Seraphim are highly mobile and capable of rapid deployment on the battlefield. They are often seen descending from the skies in angelic formations, bringing divine retribution to the enemies of the Imperium.
Seraphim are armed with dual bolt pistols, flamers, or inferno pistols, making them devastating in close quarters combat. Their precision and agility allow them to outmaneuver opponents and strike with surgical accuracy. Seraphim also embody the unwavering faith and fervor of the Adepta Sororitas, chanting hymns of the Emperor as they engage in battle, inspiring their sisters and demoralizing their foes.
In combat, Seraphim excel at hit-and-run tactics, eliminating key threats, and supporting the main forces with their versatile firepower and mobility. Their presence on the battlefield is a powerful symbol of the Emperor’s divine judgment, as they descend like avenging angels to cleanse the Imperium of its enemies.