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Saint Lucia

Artist: Ivana Abbate Source: Ivana Abbate
Saint Lucia
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Saint Lucia is a revered figure in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, celebrated for her unyielding faith and miraculous deeds during a time of great strife. She rose to prominence on a world besieged by xenos and heretical threats, where her unshakeable devotion to the God-Emperor inspired the beleaguered populace to stand and fight. Her most famous act was during the Siege of Penitence, where she sacrificed herself to hold off a demonic incursion, allowing her people to escape. Her body was consumed by holy fire, annihilating the forces of Chaos and saving her planet, leading to her canonization as a Saint.

After her death, Saint Lucia became a symbol of the Emperor’s divine protection. Her relics, preserved by the Ecclesiarchy, are sacred artifacts believed to bestow blessings on those who possess them. Pilgrimages to her associated sites are common, drawing millions seeking spiritual guidance. Depictions of Saint Lucia often show her bathed in holy light, eyes closed in prayer, embodying purity, sacrifice, and unwavering faith.

Among the Adepta Sororitas, the Sisters of Battle, Saint Lucia is particularly venerated. Her life and deeds are emulated, especially by Orders focused on healing and protection, like the Order of the Healing Light. Her influence extends beyond the battlefield, promoting themes of inner purity and the constant battle against Chaos, making her a model of spiritual perfection for the more contemplative and ascetic Orders.

Saint Lucia’s legacy serves as a powerful symbol of hope, purity, and faith in the Imperium. Her story is a reminder of the Emperor’s mercy and the promise of salvation, even in the darkest of times, and she continues to inspire countless Imperial citizens and warriors in their unending struggle against the forces of darkness.