In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Plague Marines are Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Nurgle, the Chaos God of decay, disease, and rot. These Marines have forsaken their allegiance to the Emperor and the Imperium of Man to serve Nurgle, embracing his gifts of pestilence and corruption.
Origins and Background
The origins of the Plague Marines can be traced back to the Horus Heresy, a galaxy-spanning civil war that occurred ten millennia before the current timeline of Warhammer 40,000. Many of the original Plague Marines were once members of the Death Guard Legion, led by Mortarion, one of the Primarchs. During the Heresy, Mortarion and his Legion became trapped in the Warp, where they were afflicted by a virulent plague. Desperate and on the brink of death, Mortarion turned to Nurgle for salvation, and the Death Guard was transformed into Plague Marines.
Plague Marines are known for their resilience and durability. Nurgle’s gifts have made their bodies bloated and swollen with disease, but also incredibly tough. They are immune to pain and can withstand wounds that would kill a normal Space Marine. Their armor is often corroded and covered in filth, but it provides significant protection against both physical and psychic attacks.
Weapons and Tactics
Plague Marines are typically armed with a variety of weapons that reflect their morbid nature and their affinity for spreading disease. Common armaments include:
Bolters: Standard-issue Space Marine weapons that fire explosive rounds.
Plague Knives: Corrupted melee weapons that can cause festering wounds.
Blight Grenades: Grenades filled with virulent toxins and diseases.
Plague Belchers: Weapons that spray corrosive and infectious bile.
On the battlefield, Plague Marines are slow but nearly unstoppable. They advance relentlessly, shrugging off damage that would incapacitate other troops, and they excel in close-quarters combat where their resilience and infectious weapons can wreak havoc. Their presence can demoralize and weaken enemy forces, as the diseases they carry can spread to their foes.
Role in the Lore
Plague Marines are a major force within the Death Guard Traitor Legion, which is one of the primary antagonists in the Warhammer 40,000 setting. They are often depicted in battles against the forces of the Imperium, particularly the Space Marines and the Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard). Their allegiance to Nurgle means they are also involved in the larger machinations of Chaos, spreading disease and decay across the galaxy in the name of their foul patron.
In the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game, Plague Marines are a popular choice for players who favor a resilient and hard-hitting army. Their unique abilities and thematic elements make them a distinctive and memorable faction within the broader Warhammer 40,000 universe.