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Orks Art

Artist: Clint Langley Source: Clint Langley
Orks Art
Art rating: 5 (with 7 votes) Please Rate this Art
Category: Orks, Waaagh

This art is by Clint Langley Titled “Blood Axes: WAAAAAAGH! The Waaagh! is Central to Ork life is the concept of the Waaagh!, a collective psychic energy that binds Orks together in their thirst for battle. When an Ork warboss grows powerful enough, he gathers other Orks into a Waaagh!, a massive, unstoppable warband that can sweep across star systems, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The Waaagh! is both a physical horde and a psychic storm, growing stronger the more Orks join in, and it’s this energy that fuels their seemingly impossible feats.