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Ogryn Miniature

Ogryn Miniature
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Published on: June 28, 2024

Ogryns are massive, brutish abhumans in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known for their immense strength and simple-minded nature. Originating from high-gravity worlds, they stand over ten feet tall and possess thick skin and dense muscle mass, making them extremely durable and formidable in close combat. Valued as shock troops and heavy infantry within the Imperial Guard, Ogryns excel in frontal assaults, breaking enemy lines, and assaulting fortified positions. They typically wield heavy, simple weapons like Ripper Guns and crude melee implements, using their brute force to devastating effect.

Despite their simplicity, Ogryns are fiercely loyal and obedient, often serving as bodyguards for important Imperial officers. Their genetic differences lead to some prejudice within the Imperium, but their utility in warfare ensures their continued deployment. In the tabletop game, Ogryns are powerful, durable units that excel in close combat and can absorb significant damage, making them invaluable assets. Their combination of strength and loyalty makes them unique and essential to the Imperial Guard’s military might.