Cadian Shock Troopers, hailing from the fortress world of Cadia, are among the most disciplined and well-trained soldiers in the Astra Militarum, the primary fighting force of the Imperium of Man. Their rigorous training, ingrained from a young age, makes them exceptionally resilient and versatile on the battlefield. Clad in distinctive flak armor and armed with standard issue Lasguns, these troops form the backbone of many Imperial Guard regiments. Despite the fall of their homeworld during the 13th Black Crusade, the legacy of the Cadian Shock Troopers lives on, with their survivors continuing to embody their planet’s unyielding spirit and military prowess.
Necrons, ancient and terrifying, are a race of undead, skeletal machines that once ruled the galaxy millions of years ago. Reawakening from their long slumber in stasis-tombs scattered across the galaxy, they seek to reclaim their lost dominion. Encounters between Cadian Shock Troopers and Necrons are nightmarish, as the disciplined human soldiers face off against these nearly indestructible, reanimated horrors armed with advanced gauss weaponry. The unrelenting assault of Necron legions, combined with their ability to self-repair and reanimate, tests the limits of the Cadians’ resolve and tactical acumen. Despite the overwhelming odds, Cadian Shock Troopers utilize their superior training and coordination, often calling upon heavy support and combined arms tactics to counter the Necron threat and protect the Imperium from these ancient foes.