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Necrons Skeletal Robotic Warriors

Artist: Jaime Martinez
Necrons Skeletal Robotic Warriors
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Category: Necrons

The Necrons are one of the most ancient and fearsome factions in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. They are a race of undead, skeletal robotic warriors who have been reawakened after millions of years in stasis. Originating from the long-dead Necrontyr race, the Necrons possess advanced technology and a chilling determination to reclaim the galaxy as their own.

Origins and History:
1. The Necrontyr:
The Necrontyr were a short-lived and embittered race whose harsh environment and limited lifespans led them to a deep-seated envy and hatred of other races. They waged a bitter war against the Old Ones, the galaxy’s ancient and powerful inhabitants.

2. The C’tan and the Great Betrayal:
In their desperation, the Necrontyr turned to the C’tan, star-gods of immense power, for aid. The C’tan offered them immortality through the process of biotransference, transferring their consciousnesses into bodies of living metal. This transformation turned the Necrontyr into the Necrons but at the cost of their souls. The C’tan betrayed the Necrons, consuming their souls and turning them into slaves.

3. The War in Heaven:
The Necrons, under the leadership of the Silent King, Zarakynel, eventually rebelled against the C’tan. They shattered the C’tan into shards and imprisoned them. After their victory, the Necrons went into stasis to wait for the galaxy to become ripe for their return.

Modern Necrons:
1. Awakening:
The Necrons have begun to awaken from their millions of years of slumber. Tomb Worlds across the galaxy are reactivating, and the Necrons are emerging to reclaim their lost empire.

2. Hierarchy and Dynasties:
Necron society is highly hierarchical, with a strict command structure. They are organized into dynasties, each led by an Overlord or a Phaeron. These dynasties often have their own unique characteristics, cultures, and objectives.

3. Technology:
Necron technology is highly advanced and often appears as magical or supernatural to other races. Key examples include:

Gauss Weapons: These weapons strip matter at the molecular level, reducing targets to nothing.
Resurrection Protocols: Necron warriors can self-repair and reanimate, making them incredibly difficult to permanently destroy.
Monoliths and Doomsday Arks: Massive war machines that serve as both transport and heavy artillery.
4. Key Units:

Necron Warriors: The backbone of the Necron legions, these soldiers are tireless and relentless.
Immortals: Elite infantry with more powerful weapons and greater resilience.
Lychguard: Bodyguards for high-ranking Necron lords, armed with warscythes or shields.
C’tan Shards: Fragments of the star-gods, now used as living weapons.
5. Goals and Ambitions:
The primary goal of the Necrons is to reclaim the galaxy and restore their ancient dominion. They seek to eradicate all other forms of life or subjugate them under their rule. However, the various dynasties sometimes have conflicting objectives, leading to internal strife.

Notable Figures:
The Silent King (Szarekh): The last ruler of the Necrontyr and the mastermind behind the rebellion against the C’tan. He has recently returned to lead the Necrons in their campaign to reclaim the galaxy.
Imotekh the Stormlord: A brilliant strategist and Overlord of the Sautekh Dynasty, known for his tactical acumen and ruthless efficiency.
Trazyn the Infinite: An eccentric Overlord who collects artifacts and specimens from across the galaxy, often clashing with other Necron leaders and races.
The Necrons are a formidable and enigmatic force in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Their ancient origins, advanced technology, and relentless nature make them one of the most intriguing and terrifying factions. As they awaken and reassert their dominance, they pose a significant threat to all other forms of life in the galaxy.