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Necron Art

Artist: Neil Roberts Source: Neil Roberts
Necron Art
Art rating: 4.6 (with 7 votes) Please Rate this Art
Category: Aliens, Necrons

In the depths of the cosmos, beyond the reach of mortal comprehension, lies a race of ancient, undying beings known as the Necrons. Born in a time before time, when the stars themselves were but newborn flames, these beings were once flesh and blood, cursed with fleeting mortality. Driven by a desperate desire to escape the cruel grasp of death, they made a dark pact with the star gods, the C’tan, exchanging their souls for bodies of living metal. Thus, the Necrons were born, shedding their mortality for the cold, unyielding embrace of eternity. But in this transformation, they lost their souls, becoming soulless husks, bound to the will of their cruel masters.

Now, after eons of slumber in their tomb worlds, the Necrons awaken, their legions rising from the crypts like a tide of darkness, sweeping across the galaxy. Their eyes burn with the cold fire of the stars, and their weapons hum with energies that defy the laws of reality itself. They march with a relentless precision, their every movement a testament to the ancient technologies that power their undying forms. The very ground trembles beneath their feet, and the air crackles with the unnatural energies of their weapons. Their foes are but insects to be crushed beneath their feet, their civilizations mere playthings in the grand scheme of the Necrons’ ancient plans.

Yet, there is a darkness deeper still that surrounds the Necrons, for they are not mere conquerors, but harbingers of an age-old revenge. They seek to reclaim the galaxy that was once theirs, to rebuild their shattered empire and to exact vengeance on the younger races that now infest their former domains. In their cold, calculating minds, there is no mercy, no pity, only the endless march of their immortal legions. The galaxy trembles at their return, for the Necrons bring with them the weight of millennia, the hatred of the dead, and the inevitable doom of all who stand in their path.