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Khârn the Betrayer Oldhammer Art

Artist: Jes Goodwin Source: Jes Goodwin
Khârn the Betrayer Oldhammer Art
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Khârn the Betrayer is one of the most feared and notorious characters in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, a brutal and bloodthirsty champion of the Chaos God Khorne, the god of war, violence, and bloodshed. Once a captain of the World Eaters Legion during the Great Crusade, Khârn was a warrior of immense skill and honor, known for his ferocity in battle and his unwavering loyalty to his Primarch, Angron. However, as the World Eaters descended into madness under the influence of Khorne, Khârn’s sense of honor was twisted into a relentless and single-minded obsession with slaughter. Now, he is a living embodiment of Khorne’s will, a berserker whose only purpose is to spill blood and take skulls for the Blood God.

Khârn earned his infamous title, “the Betrayer,” during the Siege of Terra at the end of the Horus Heresy. During the World Eaters’ assault on the Imperial Palace, Khârn was consumed by a murderous rage so intense that he turned on his own brothers when there were no enemies left to kill. This act of betrayal cemented his reputation and marked him as a pariah even among the other Chaos Space Marines. Yet, this unbridled savagery also made him a favored servant of Khorne, who cares not from whom the blood flows, as long as it flows. Khârn wields his weapon of choice, Gorechild, a chainaxe taken from his Primarch Angron himself, which has since been stained with the blood of countless foes—and allies.

In battle, Khârn is an unstoppable force of destruction. His fury is such that he is seemingly immune to pain and fear, driven only by the desire to kill. He plunges into the heart of the enemy with reckless abandon, hacking apart anything that stands in his way with Gorechild. This berserker rage makes him nearly impossible to control, and he is just as likely to slay his allies as his enemies if they cross his path. Khârn’s presence on the battlefield is often enough to inspire terror in even the most stalwart of warriors, for they know that once Khârn is unleashed, no one is safe from his wrath. His reputation as the ultimate berserker has made him a legendary figure in the galaxy, a symbol of the madness and bloodlust that defines the worshippers of Khorne.