Imperial Inquisitor Miniature Oldhammer

Imperial Inquisitors: Guardians of Humanity and Enforcers of the Emperor’s Will
The Role of the Imperial Inquisitor
Imperial Inquisitors are among the most powerful and feared figures in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, serving as agents of the Imperium tasked with rooting out heresy, xenos threats, and daemonic corruption. They are members of the shadowy Inquisition, an organization that operates with near-unlimited authority, answering only to the Emperor himself. Inquisitors have the power to conscript armies, order the execution of entire populations, and even declare Exterminatus—the complete annihilation of a planet. Their work is grim and relentless, as they safeguard humanity from threats that could spell its extinction.
The Ordos of the Inquisition
The Inquisition is divided into several branches, or Ordos, each focused on specific threats to the Imperium. The Ordo Hereticus is responsible for combating heresy, witchcraft, and internal corruption, earning them the nickname “Witch Hunters.” The Ordo Xenos deals with alien (xenos) threats, often deploying the Deathwatch to eliminate particularly dangerous foes. Lastly, the Ordo Malleus specializes in fighting daemonic incursions and Chaos, using their chamber militant, the Grey Knights, as their elite force. Inquisitors from these branches are highly specialized, their methods tailored to the unique challenges posed by their foes.
Tools of Authority and Fear
An Imperial Inquisitor wields an arsenal of weapons, psychic powers, and political authority to carry out their mission. They often employ relics of immense power, such as daemon-slaying force weapons, ancient pistols, or psychic-enhancing artifacts. Many Inquisitors are potent psykers, capable of using their mental abilities to uncover secrets, dominate minds, or unleash devastating attacks. In addition to their personal abilities, Inquisitors command retinues of specialists, including warriors, psykers, and tech-priests, who aid them in their grim work. Their presence alone is often enough to instill fear and compliance, as few would dare to defy an agent of the Inquisition.
The Duality of Inquisitors
Despite their dedication to the Imperium, Inquisitors are not a monolithic group and often disagree on methods and ideology. Puritan Inquisitors adhere strictly to Imperial doctrine, rejecting any use of xenos technology or forbidden knowledge. In contrast, Radical Inquisitors are willing to use such tools, believing that the ends justify the means in the fight against humanity’s enemies. This divide often leads to conflict within the Inquisition, including Inquisitorial Wars where agents battle one another over their differing philosophies. This duality makes Inquisitors both fascinating and terrifying, as their ultimate loyalty to the Emperor can take many forms, from unyielding dogma to morally ambiguous pragmatism.