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House Escher, Necromunda Oldhammer Art

Artist: Jes Goodwin Source: Jes Goodwin
House Escher, Necromunda Oldhammer Art
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House Escher is one of the most iconic and distinctive factions in the Necromunda setting, known for its all-female warriors and a lethal expertise in chemicals and toxins. Originating from the lower levels of Hive Primus, the Escher are a force to be reckoned with, combining deadly beauty with vicious combat prowess.

What sets House Escher apart from the other gangs is their matriarchal society. Men in Escher are often frail and sickly due to genetic flaws, leaving the women as the dominant and most physically capable members of the house. These women are not just fierce fighters; they are also master chemists, skilled in the creation and use of potent drugs, poisons, and stimulants that can turn the tide of battle in their favor. This chemical expertise is reflected in their weaponry and combat tactics, where they often employ exotic toxins and combat drugs to give themselves an edge.

Visually, Escher gangers are striking, with their flamboyant hairstyles, vibrant clothing, and bold, punk-inspired aesthetics. They are often depicted with an array of sleek, deadly weapons, ranging from elegant power swords to vicious needle guns that inject lethal poisons into their foes. The Escher have a flair for the dramatic, and their appearance is as much a psychological weapon as it is practical gear.

In the treacherous environment of Necromunda’s underhive, House Escher stands as a symbol of defiance and power, a gang that has thrived through their cunning, adaptability, and ruthless efficiency. They are respected, feared, and envied by many, and their influence within the hive city is undeniable. Whether dealing with rivals or enforcing their will, the women of House Escher are always prepared to fight with deadly precision and style.