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Eldar Rearguard

Artist: Tony Hough Source: Tony Hough
Eldar Rearguard
Art rating: 4.4 (with 8 votes) Please Rate this Art

Tony Hough is celebrating 25 years of Warhammer 40,000 and 25 years of Tony Hough illustration for this art. To celebrate this anniversary he decided to take one of those establishing illustration and give it a full digital paintover.

The Eldar Rearguard in Warhammer is a critical defensive force, often tasked with protecting retreating Eldar forces during their lightning-fast, strategic withdrawals. Eldar warfare emphasizes speed, precision, and avoiding prolonged engagements, and when their forces need to disengage from battle, the rearguard plays a vital role. This group of warriors is composed of elite units such as Dire Avengers, Warp Spiders, or even Wraith constructs, all of whom are experts at delaying and harrying the enemy without becoming pinned down themselves. Their goal is to disrupt the enemy’s pursuit, using the Eldar’s superior agility, hit-and-run tactics, and advanced technology to keep foes at bay while the main force makes a clean retreat.

In battle, the Eldar rearguard is a masterclass of discipline and coordination, using the terrain and their psychic capabilities to maximum effect. Often led by an experienced Autarch or Farseer, they weave between enemies with grace, employing a combination of powerful ranged weaponry and fast-moving skirmishers. Whether laying down suppressive fire with shuriken catapults or using specialized units like Dark Reapers to pick off high-value targets, the rearguard ensures the enemy is unable to capitalize on the Eldar’s withdrawal. Despite their typically fragile nature, the Eldar Rearguard’s strategic brilliance and unparalleled mobility make them one of the most effective defensive elements in the galaxy, turning retreats into tactical masterstrokes.