The Death Guard is a Traitor Legion of Chaos Space Marines devoted to Nurgle, the Chaos God of disease, decay, and corruption. Originally the XIV Legion led by Primarch Mortarion, they were known for their resilience and discipline. During the Horus Heresy, they sided with Horus and became corrupted by Nurgle, transforming into Plague Marines after Mortarion made a pact with the Chaos God to save them from a Warp-borne plague.
Renowned for their extraordinary toughness and ability to spread virulent diseases, the Death Guard are immune to their own contagions but devastating to their enemies. Their weapons and tactics focus on causing lingering, agonizing deaths with plague-infested ammunition and toxic fumes. Key units include Mortarion, now a Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Plague Marines, Blightlord Terminators, Poxwalkers, and Foetid Bloat-drones.
As a major antagonist in Warhammer 40,000, the Death Guard spread Nurgle’s influence through campaigns of corruption and disease, leaving desolate worlds in their wake. On the tabletop, they are a popular choice for their durability and attrition-based playstyle, characterized by relentless, grinding assaults. Their compelling and sinister lore, combined with unique models, makes them a standout faction in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.