The Black Legion, once known as the Luna Wolves and later the Sons of Horus, is a feared and mighty force in the galaxy, led by the infamous Warmaster Abaddon the Despoiler. Rising from the shattered remnants of Horus’s failed rebellion, the Black Legion is a dark mirror of the Emperor’s Space Marines, carrying the bitter legacy of the Horus Heresy. Abaddon’s ambition and ruthlessness have forged this force into a relentless warband, uniting disparate Traitor Legions and Chaos warbands under a single, brutal purpose: to bring ruin to the Imperium of Man. Clad in blackened power armor adorned with unholy symbols, the Black Legion strikes with merciless precision, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in their wake as they launch Black Crusades to tear down the Imperium and fulfill their ancient, vengeful oaths.
The Death Guard, once the proud XIV Legion of the Emperor’s Space Marines, now serve Nurgle, the Plague God of Chaos, as his harbingers of pestilence and decay. Once led by the stoic and unbreakable Primarch Mortarion, the Death Guard were famed for their endurance and resilience in battle, fighting in the harshest conditions with grim determination. However, during the Horus Heresy, they fell to Nurgle’s corruption, becoming bloated, disease-ridden monstrosities that revel in spreading contagion and despair. Shrouded in rotting armor that seeps with filth and ichor, they wield corrupted weapons that ooze with foulness, turning even the simplest wounds into a death sentence. Despite their grotesque transformation, they remain relentless warriors, unstoppable in their advance and embodying the inevitability of decay, spreading Nurgle’s gifts with grim purpose throughout the galaxy.