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Black Legion Chaos Space Marines Oldhammer Art

Artist: John Blanche Source: John Blanche
Black Legion Chaos Space Marines Oldhammer Art
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The Black Legion, originally the Luna Wolves, was once the most honored of the Emperor’s Space Marine Legions, led by the revered Primarch Horus Lupercal. Their loyalty turned to treachery during the Horus Heresy, a galactic civil war that saw Horus betray the Emperor, leading his Legion into damnation. After Horus’s defeat, the remnants of his Legion, now known as the Sons of Horus, retreated into the Eye of Terror, where they fragmented into warring factions.

In the aftermath, Abaddon the Despoiler, Horus’s most loyal and formidable lieutenant, rose to power. Refusing to let the Legion fade into insignificance, Abaddon took up the Talon of Horus and forcefully united the scattered warbands. Under his leadership, the Legion was reborn as the Black Legion, shedding the shame of their past and embracing a new, darker purpose fueled by vengeance and ambition.

Abaddon has since led the Black Legion in thirteen Black Crusades against the Imperium, each one a brutal campaign aimed at toppling the Emperor’s domain. These Crusades have brought untold devastation across the galaxy, solidifying the Black Legion’s place as one of the most feared and powerful forces of Chaos.

The Black Legion’s warriors are relentless, driven by the memory of their former glory and the burning desire to see the Imperium fall. They embody the corrupting influence of Chaos, wielding their dark powers with merciless efficiency, and following Abaddon in his unending war against the Emperor’s legacy.

In the grim darkness of the far future, the Black Legion stands as a symbol of treachery and retribution, their blackened armor a constant reminder of the horrors unleashed by the Horus Heresy and the ongoing threat they pose to all of humanity.